Celebrating Arts and Culture on O‘ahu

The Virtual Gallery is a celebration of artists, designers, practitioners, and makers who bring culture and arts to life on O‘ahu.

The Creative City Virtual Gallery is a curated platform for artists, designers and makers to share their talent and work. The Virtual Gallery was promoted February 1 – March 31, 2022, via social media, TV and email marketing.

There is no cost to be in the Virtual Gallery. Artists, Designers, Painters, Photographers, Potters, Printmakers are welcome! If you are interested in showing your work, please send the following to

  1. Hi-res image of your work.

  2. Description about yourself or your work; up to 40 words.

  3. A link to your website or social media page and Instagram handle, where we can direct interested buyers.

  4. Subject line “Virtual Gallery”